Natural Source Vitamins and a Fruitful Live

Natural source vitamins are easy to find. Look at fruits. The world would be a dull and boring place without fruits. At least that’s what I believe. Fruits add taste, color, fragrance and vitality to life. I can live without food, but not fruits.

People often stop to ask me the secret behind my flawless complexion and my answer is always the same; fruits and fluids.

Fruits contain so many vitamins and minerals that we cant even begin to name them all. They improve our digestive system, help get rid of toxins in our body, provide the body with the essential vitamin fueling it needs and this in turn reflects clearly on to our skin. It begins to glow and radiate.

Fruits can also be a great energy booster for someone who is on a calorie controlled diet. They satisfy our sweet tooth with natural sugars and so we can abstain from bakery products and chocolates. The sugar present in fruits does not harm us in the way other sweet products do.

I try to skip at least one meal in a day and replace it with a bowl of fruit instead. It fulfills my urge to eat and boosts my energy level.

My children know that if they really want to please me with a gift, the best bet is to buy me loads of fruit. It would mean more to me than a bunch of flowers, a ticket for a new movie or even a free body massage.

At home, I have a small refrigerator in my bedroom. It is stocked only with fresh fruit and water bottles. I raid the fridge for midnight snacks every time I am up working till early morning.

Isn’t it better to eat a bowl of fresh fruit everyday and enjoy the taste, rather than pop multi vitamin pills in your mouth, month after month? Go the natural vitamin source route.

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